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- New MONET Publication in ACS Macro Letters
A team from the Olsen, Rubinstein, and Craig labs explore the question of reactivity-guided fracture in otherwise indistinguishable end-linked networks by tuning the relative composition of strands with two different mechanochemical reactivities. Increasing the substitution of less mechanochemically reactive (“strong”) strands into a network comprising more reactive (“weak”) strands has a negligible impact on the fracture energy until the strong strand content reaches approximately 45%, at which point the fracture energy sharply increases with strong strand content. Coarse-grained fracture simulations agree closely with the tearing energy trend observed experimentally, confirming that weak strand scissions dominate the failure until the strong strands approach percolation. Article Link
- New MONET Publication in Journal of Physics: Materials
Professors Alshakim Nelson and Stephen Craig write the "Stimuli-responsive materials" section for the 2023 Soft Matter Roadmap. 'Stimuli-responsive' refers to materials that undergo a meaningful change in properties (the response) when subjected to a change in external environment (the stimulus). They discuss how various forms of energy and the introduction or removal of matter can in be coupled to an ever-increasing range of responses. Article Link
- New MONET Publication in Nano Letters
A team from the Steinmetz and Craig labs built an internal polymer “backbone” using a maleimide cross-linker to covalently interlink viral coat proteins inside the capsid cavity, while the native VLPs are held together by only noncovalent bonding between subunits. Endoskeleton-armored VLPs exhibited significantly improved thermal stability, increased resistance to denaturants, and enhanced mechanical performance. Article Link
- New MONET Publication in ACS Applied Polymer Materials
The Kalow lab, in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory, synthesized two oligosiloxane-based epoxy networks that provide fast dynamic bond exchange. The resulting polymer networks provided access to fast stress-relaxation times (1–10 min) at temperatures of only 130 °C with excellent reprocessability. This work provides a framework to utilize epoxy acids and siloxanes for dynamic materials, and the low viscosity of the siloxane monomers may offer further advantages for composite manufacturing processes. Article Link
- New MONET Publication in RSC Applied Polymers
A team from the Nelson and Craig labs demonstrate 3D printed, elastomeric ionogels comprising covalent adaptable networks (CANs) for modular sensor assemblies. The modular components can be combined and assembled on-demand into customized piezoionic sensors. This study highlights the benefits of dynamic covalent networks toward decentralized manufacturing, wherein a modular approach enables customization of 3D printed parts without the need for modifying the original design. Article Link
- New MONET Publication in ACS Catalysis
A team from the Schindler and Kulik labs report a visible-light-mediated approach that enables facile access to 1- and 2-azetine-based dimeric lactones of up to 30-membered ring macrocycles. This transformation occurs in one step and deviates from traditional macrolactonization methods. This new method may provide a unique avenue to access biologically interesting synthetic macrocycles. Article Link
- New MONET Publication in JACS
A team from the Craig, Kulik, and Johnson labs report the mechanochemically coupled generation of hydrogen flouride (HF) from alkoxy-gem-difluorocyclopropane (gDFC) mechanophores derived from difluorocarbene addition to enol ethers. This latent source of HF resides within a polymer until released in response to a mechanical signal, at which point it be converted in situ to a flouride salt for use in self-immolative polymers, remodeled siloxane elastomers, vitrimer alteration, and degradable polymers. Article Link
- Our Center is Announced!
The Center for the Chemistry of Molecularly Optimized Networks is officially open for business! Read one press release here .
- Congratulations to Dr. Yuwei Gu
MONET and Johnson lab trainee Yuwei Gu has received his PhD from MIT. Congratulations Dr. Gu!
- Jeremiah Johnson is a 2019 ACS Cope Scholar
Congratulations to Jeremiah Johnson, recipient of a 2019 ACS Cope Scholar Award ! Johnson was recognized “for developing methods for precision polymer synthesis that have generated macromolecules with novel functions and new insights into polymer network structure and mechanics.”
- Olsen Named ACS Fellow
Congratulations to MONET team member Bradley Olsen on being named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society !
- Klausen receives ACS award!
Congratulations to Rebekka Klausen, recipient of the 2021 ACS Award in Pure Chemistry ! Quoting Jillian Buriak (U. Alberta) in C&EN: “Professor Klausen’s work on polysilane chemistry is absolutely groundbreaking not only from a nanoscience viewpoint, but due to the smashing of preconceived notions of silicon chemistry, silicon can finally be viewed as much more than a poor relative of carbon in terms of synthetic chemistry. She has shaken up the world by showing that one can truly synthesize precise and controlled silicon-based molecules, and by extension, silicon nanomaterials.”